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Road Safety

Deaths on Australian roads invovle many factors and there is a clear need to find new ways to reduce our increasing road death toll

Non-Use of Seat Belts

Failure to wear seat belts and other restraints contributes to serious injury and death in road crashes

Safety Radar Detectors

The government is proposing to ban radar detectors in WA without any investigation of the widely used safety warning system and the drone radar warning system.

Road Safety in Crisis

Today we are facing a crisis in Western Australia in the management and implementation of Road Safety policy

Effective Speeds

Car costs are slowing us down

Speed Traps

Saving lives or raising revenue?

Massey Ferguson

Radar Speed Warning Systems are installed on many Massey Ferguson Tractors


Speed in excess of limits or the prevailing conditions is a major factor in road crashes, contributing to around one third of all fatal crashes

Traffic Offences

The penalties for a range of traffic offences have been assessed on the basis of risk or parity with similar offences

Radar Detectors in WA

The Office of Road Safety has again proposed a ban be imposed on the use of Radar Detectors in WA

GPS vs Radar Systems

GPS Systems can include the Alert & Road Angel GPS Speed Camera & Road Hazard Warning Systems with speed camera data and road hazards

Speed Enforcement

Practice - performance measures - outcome measures


Safety Warning System (SWS) is now being used on WA roads

John Deere Tractors

Radar Speed Warning Systems are installed on many John DeereTractors

© 2020 Australian Driver's Rights Association
ADRA: PO Box 1110, Subiaco, Western Australia 6904

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