03 Apr 2016
Tasmania Permanent Speed Cameras
As part of a strategy to reduce deaths and serious injuries on our roads, Tasmania Police is in the process of installing eight permanent speed cameras around the State.
They will be a permanent deterrent to speeding on higher risk roads.
The cameras will be spread throughout the State in locations that meet several criteria, including a high number of traffic incidents, a high speed limit and a high volume of traffic.
Over the next few months permanent speed cameras will be installed in the following locations:
Southern Outlet at Tolmans Hill (South)
Tasman Highway at Cambridge Park (South)
Brooker Highway at Queens Domain (South)
Brooker Highway at Rosetta (South)
Bass Highway at Wivenhoe (North-West)
Bass Highway at East Devonport (North-West)
East Tamar Highway at Invermay (North)
Midlands Highway at Kings Meadows Link Road (North).
Potential locations were assessed for suitability against criteria such as volume of traffic, number of traffic incidents, two-way visibility and availability of power supply.
Preference has been given to higher speed zones with high traffic volume such as the major routes in and out of cities. This is consistent with the Auditor-General’s 2009 report on Speed Detection Devices, and the Tasmanian Road Safety Strategy 2007-2016.
The fixed speed cameras will be able to operate 24/7 and will free up police to undertake other road safety duties, particularly on higher speed rural roads.
A new fixed-pole speed camera has been installed on the Midland Hwy just North of Campbell Town.
The camera is currently operating in 'test' mode. As of March 24, the drivers of any vehicles photographed speeding will receive infringement notices.
Electronic message boards will be installed at the site the day before the camera goes live to alert drivers to its presence.
Speed remains the number one factor in fatal and serious crashes. The eight fixed speed cameras around the state aim to make drivers more aware of their speed and permanently change their driving behaviour.
Please drive to the speed limit and to the road conditions.